
How Do You Spell Hundredths

Study Questions with Answers

  1. To be sure a lane is clear before you change lanes, you should:
    1. Look in your outside mirrors only.
    2. Wait over your shoulder into the lane that you desire to enter.
    3. Always plough your caput and look over your correct shoulder.
  2. You should e'er turn on your emergency flashers when:
    1. Yous are double parked in a traffic lane.
    2. Y'all are parked on the side of the road in heavy fog.
    3. Your machine has broken downwardly on the roadway.
  3. Following closely behind another vehicle (tailgating):
    1. Increases fuel efficiency.
    2. Is a common cause for rear-finish collisions.
    3. Helps keep traffic moving.
  4. This yellow sign ways:
    1. One-lane road ahead.
    2. Merging lane ahead.
    3. Lane ends ahead.
  5. To come across cars in bling spots, you should:
    1. Look in the within rearview mirror.
    2. Look in the outside rearview mirror.
    3. Turn your head.
  6. If yous have trouble seeing other vehicles because of dust or smoke blowing across the roadway, you should drive slower and plough on your:
    1. Headlights.
    2. Parking lights.
    3. Emergency flashers.
  7. You have had your license for 3 months, you may:
    1. Drive between 5am and 5pm unsupervised.
    2. Transport minors unaccompanied anytime.
    3. Transport minors between 11pm and 5am unaccompanied.
  8. This yellowish sign ways:
    1. Detour ahead.
    2. Correct plow permitted on green arrow only.
    3. Sharp plough to the right.
  9. If you desire to plow left ahead. In the centre of the route there is a lane marked as shown, you lot must:
    1. Turn from your electric current traffic lane after signaling.
    2. Merge completely into this traffic lane before making your left turn.
    3. Not enter this lane for any reason.
  10. You are exiting a motorway on a ramp that curves downhill. Y'all should:
    1. Slow to a safe speed before the curve.
    2. Tiresome to the posted speed limit for the freeway.
    3. Expect until you have entered the bend to begin braking.
  11. Cargo extending more than four feet from your rear bumper:
    1. Is illegal nether all circumstances.
    2. Must be marked with a scarlet flag or lights.
    3. Does non legally have to be marked but it is a skillful idea.
  12. This white sign means:
    1. Bulldoze to the right.
    2. Correct plough yield.
    3. Slower traffic should move to the right.
  13. It is illegal to leave a child 6 years of historic period or younger unattended in a motor vehicle:
    1. When the keys are in the ignition.
    2. If the child is with a 12 year old blood brother or sister.
    3. On a cold, rainy day, and all of the windows are closed.
  14. Which of these statements are true most child passengers?
    1. Children one or older and over 20 pounds should ride in the front seat.
    2. Children under historic period one should not ride in the front seat in air bag equipped vehicles.
    3. The forepart seat is more often than not safest for children six years of historic period and older.
  15. When roads are slippery you should:
    1. Avert making fast turns and fast stops.
    2. Pump your brakes to examination the traction of your tires.
    3. Decrease the distance that you wait ahead of your vehicle.
  16. Requite actress space to drivers backing out of a parking space considering:
    1. They may not see you.
    2. They have the right-of-way.
    3. Information technology is required by constabulary.
  17. If yous approach a curve or the top of a hill and you do non have a clear view of the route alee, you lot should:
    1. Pull over and look for atmospheric condition to improve.
    2. Utilize your high axle lights to be more than visible.
    3. Slow down so you can finish if necessary.
  18. During the showtime 12 months after you are licensed, you must exist accompanied by your parent or guardian if you:
    1. Drive between the hours of 5am and 11pm.
    2. Transport minors between the hours of 11pm and 5am.
    3. Transport adults between the hours of 5am and midnight.
  19. Which of the post-obit is true almost safety belts and collisions?
    1. They are unnecessary for vehicles equipped with front and side air numberless.
    2. They go along you from beingness thrown articulate to rubber, which lowers your chances of surviving a collision.
    3. They increase your chances of survival in about types of collisions.
  20. You are driving at night on a dimly lit street and using loftier beams. You should dim your lights when you are inside 500 feet of:
    1. A vehicle approaching you from behind.
    2. An oncoming vehicle.
    3. A abrupt bend or loma.
  21. When merging onto a freeway, y'all should be driving:
    1. At or virtually the same speed as the freeway traffic.
    2. At the legal expressway speed limit.
    3. Slower than the expressway traffic.
  22. You lot are driving on a city street and meet an emergency vehicle with flashing lights behind you. What should yous do?
    1. Bulldoze to the right edge of the road and slow down.
    2. Bulldoze to the right edge of the road and end.
    3. Stay in your lane, slow downwards, and let it pass.
  23. Pedestrians crossing at corners have the right-of-style:
    1. Just at controlled intersections.
    2. Only if a crosswalk is painted on the street.
    3. Whether or not a crosswalk is marked.
  24. You lot are driving in the far correct lane of a multilane freeway. A line of five cars is merging into your lane ahead from an on-ramp. You:
    1. Must maintain your speed and position.
    2. Must slow down to let the other vehicles merge.
    3. Should make room for the merging vehicles if possible.
  25. The speed limit in an alley is:
    1. 20 mph
    2. 15 mph
    3. 10 mph
  26. This yellow sign means:
    1. Medical services ahead.
    2. There is a "T" intersection ahead.
    3. Another road crosses yours ahead.
  27. Which of these statements is true about driving and taking medications?
    1. Most common cold medications tin can make a person drowsy.
    2. Over-the-counter medications cannot impair driving power if taken in the recommended dosages.
    3. Medications are safe to take at any time if prescribed past a physician.
  28. This yellow sign ways:
    1. The road ahead has many curves.
    2. There is a precipitous curve in the route alee.
    3. The road ahead is slippery.
  29. This yellow sign means:
    1. Railroad crossing is controlled-continue at your regular speed.
    2. You are approaching a railroad crossing.
    3. End at the railroad tracks and wait for a betoken before crossing.
  30. Yous may legally drive in whatever carpool lane if:
    1. Other lanes are stopped with heavy traffic.
    2. You are carrying the minimum number of persons shown on the sign.
    3. It is between the hours of 7pm and 7am.
  31. The commuter ahead of you stops at a crosswalk. What should you practise?
    1. Passed any vehicle once the pedestrian has passed your lane.
    2. Finish, and so proceed when all pedestrians accept crossed.
    3. Change lanes, expect carefully, and pass the stopped vehicle.
  32. When yous see this yellow sign, yous should:
    1. E'er stop at a crosswalk.
    2. Stop at a crosswalk until a guard signals you to become.
    3. Be prepared to terminate if children are in the crosswalk.
  33. You may plow correct on a solid cherry light:
    1. Merely subsequently slowing down and checking traffic.
    2. Just after stopping, and yielding to pedestrians, and bicyclists, unless otherwise posted.
    3. Under no circumstances.
  34. If y'all are a small and your cell phone rings while you lot are driving, you should:
    1. Answer it if you have a hands free device.
    2. Let the telephone call go to vocalism mail.
    3. Reply it if the phone call is from your parents.
  35. Which of these statements is true almost route structure zones?
    1. Fines are the same for violations committed in structure zones.
    2. Irksome downwardly for the safety of you lot and the construction workers.
    3. Wearisome downward only if you think workers are present.
  36. This white sign means:
    1. You should boring down and move to the right lane.
    2. Stay in the right lane if y'all are moving slower than the other traffic.
    3. Slower traffic must get out to the correct.
  37. A peace officer stops you because he suspects yous are DUI. You refuse to take a chemical test. What happens at present?
    1. Your driving privilege may exist taken away.
    2. Yous will receive an additional fine.
    3. You will not be allowed to mail bail.
  38. Which child requires a child restraint organization?
    1. A six yr old who is 4 feet 10 inches tall.
    2. A vii year old who is 4 feet 7 inches alpine.
    3. An viii-year old who is 4 anxiety 9 inches tall.
  39. To make a right turn from a 2-way street from a two-style street, first in the right paw lane and end in:
    1. The left lane.
    2. The lane closest to the adjourn.
    3. Whatsoever lane that is bachelor.
  40. Whose responsibility is it to know how your medications affect your driving?
    1. Your doctor's.
    2. Your pharmacist'south.
    3. Yours.
  41. For which of the following traffic lights must you always terminate your vehicle?
    1. Solid red lights, flashing scarlet lights, and blacked-out traffic signals.
    2. Solid red lights, ruby arrows, and flashing xanthous lights.
    3. Solid red lights, flashing crimson lights, and yellow lights.
  42. When looking ahead while driving, you should:
    1. Stare at the centre of the road.
    2. Look straight in front of your automobile.
    3. Scan from side to side.
  43. Other drivers are not making room for y'all to merge onto a freeway with heavy traffic. If necessary, you may:
    1. Drive on the freeway shoulder until a gap appears.
    2. Stop earlier merging with freeway traffic.
    3. Brand room by forcing your style into a pocket-sized gap.
  44. Check your rearview mirrors:
    1. Often to run across how traffic is moving behind you.
    2. Only on a freeway or highway.
    3. Only when you are slowing downward.
  45. If y'all are convicted by the courtroom of a first DUI:
    1. Your driving privilege will be revoked for one year.
    2. You will exist sentenced to a mandatory 30 days in jail.
    3. Your vehicle will be confiscated and sold.
  46. You must make a written written report of a traffic accident occurring in California (SR 1) to DMV when:
    1. Your vehicle fails a smog test.
    2. Yous are involved in a collision and there is an injury.
    3. You alter your insurance visitor.
  47. You must notify DMV inside five days if you:
    1. Sell or transfer your vehicle.
    2. Paint your vehicle a different color.
    3. Are cited for a traffic violation.
  48. Driving faster than traffic and continually passing other cars:
    1. Increases fuel efficiency.
    2. Increases your chances of an accident.
    3. Helps preclude traffic congestion.
  49. Dim your calorie-free for an oncoming vehicles or when you are inside 300 anxiety of a vehicle:
    1. You lot are approaching from behind.
    2. Approaching you lot from behind.
    3. You have already passed.
  50. You lot should end before crossing railroad tracks:
    1. Whenever a crossing is not controlled by gates.
    2. Any time a train may be budgeted whether you tin come across it or non.
    3. If your vehicle has three or more axles.
  51. Which style to y'all plow your wheels when parked uphill next to a curb?
    1. Parallel to the curb.
    2. Away from the curb.
    3. Toward the curb.
  52. You are towing another vehicle or a trailer on a freeway with 4 lanes in your direction, you may travel in:
    1. Any of the traffic lanes in your direction.
    2. Either of the ii right lanes.
    3. The far correct lane but.
  53. Tailgating other drivers (driving too shut to their rear bumper):
    1. Can frustrate other drivers and may make them angry.
    2. Can result in a traffic citation.
    3. Reduces accidents by preventing you from being "cut off".
  54. Allow extra space in front of your vehicle when you lot are following a:
    1. Passenger car.
    2. Station wagon.
    3. Big tour bus.
  55. Even if you lot know your vehicle can maneuver a abrupt bend at the legal speed limit, you should nevertheless slow downwardly because:
    1. You lot must legally bulldoze beneath the speed limit on precipitous curves.
    2. The strong in pull on your vehicle can be dangerous.
    3. At that place may exist a stalled car or a standoff alee that you can not see.
  56. When driving in fog utilize your:
    1. Low-beam headlights
    2. High-axle headlights
    3. Running lights
  57. What is the difference between traffic lights with red arrows and those with solid ruby lights?
    1. Red arrows are only used to stop traffic that is turning left.
    2. Red arrows are only used for protected turn lanes.
    3. You lot can never turn against a red pointer, even if you stop first.
  58. A pedestrian who is blind or visually impaired uses traffic sounds before deciding to cross the street. If you lot run into a pedestrian with a guide dog or white pikestaff waiting to cross at a corner, y'all should:
    1. End at the crosswalk and honk your horn.
    2. Drive into the crosswalk so that the person can hear your engine.
    3. Pull upwardly to the crosswalk so that the person can hear your engine.
  59. When sharing the route with a light-runway vehicle:
    1. Never turn in front of an approaching light-track vehicle.
    2. Ever pass a light-rail vehicle slowly on the right.
    3. Remember they are loud and motility more than slowly than freight trains.
  60. If you have a collision, the police requires y'all to substitution your driver license information with:
    1. Witnesses.
    2. Others involved in the collision.
    3. Security guards.
  61. Which of the following is truthful nigh large trucks?
    1. Trucks accept fewer blind spots due to the vehicle's height.
    2. It is all-time to pass trucks very slowly and on the right side.
    3. Trucks often appear to travel slower because of their large size.
  62. Yous have consented to take a test for the alcohol content of your claret, breath, or urine:
    1. But if y'all have been drinking alcohol.
    2. Whenever y'all drive in California.
    3. Only if an blow occurred.
  63. Ever await carefully for motorcycles before changing lanes because:
    1. Their smaller size makes them harder to run into.
    2. They unremarkably have the right-of-way at intersections.
    3. It is illegal for motorcycles to share traffic lanes.
  64. You lot must carefully wait for bicycles in traffic lanes because they:
    1. Must ride facing oncoming traffic.
    2. Could be hidden in your blind spots.
    3. Usually have the correct-of-way.
  65. You are on a road with only one lane in each management and you want to laissez passer another vehicle, but there is a bend ahead which blocks your view. You lot must:
    1. Not pass the other vehicle.
    2. Pass on the shoulder of the road.
    3. Signal longer than 5 seconds to laissez passer safely.
  66. This red sign means that you should:
    1. End and bank check traffic both means earlier proceeding.
    2. Give the right of way to traffic on the road that you are inbound or crossing.
    3. Keep a steady speed and check traffic both ways.
  67. Which of the post-obit volition assistance y'all avoid being hitting from backside?
    1. Signaling at to the lowest degree 100 feet before turning.
    2. Decreasing your following altitude.
    3. Quickly pumping your brakes simply earlier turning.
  68. When changing lanes on a state highway, yous should:
    1. Signal for at to the lowest degree 5 seconds prior to irresolute lanes.
    2. Cross several lanes at a time to avoid slow downs.
    3. Avoid driving over broken white lines and lane markings.
  69. This yellow sign ways:
    1. One-way road widens into two lanes ahead.
    2. Vehicles on this road travel in two unlike directions.
    3. There is a divided route alee.
  70. Yous have had your license for eight months. Y'all may:
    1. Bulldoze between 5am and 11pm unaccompanied.
    2. Send minors unaccompanied at any fourth dimension.
    3. Transport minors betwixt 11pm and 5am unaccompanied
  71. You must yield to a pedestrian using a white cane or a guide canis familiaris:
    1. Only when the guide canis familiaris is leading a person beyond the street.
    2. At all times.
    3. Only if a crossing guard is nowadays.
  72. If there is a deep puddle in the route alee, you should:
    1. Maintain the posted speed and drive through the water.
    2. Steer your vehicle around the water if possible.
    3. Shift into neutral as you drive through the water.
  73. A traffic low-cal is red, merely a peace officeholder is signaling you to continue driving. What should you do?
    1. Modify lanes and drive slowly.
    2. Await for the green light.
    3. Do as the officeholder tells you.
  74. Which of these statements about drugs and driving is true?
    1. Any prescription drug is safe to use if y'all do non experience drowsy.
    2. Even over the counter drugs can impair your driving.
    3. Only illegal drugs tin can impair your driving.
  75. You were in a collision that caused more than $750 worth of damage. You must study the collision within 10 days to:
    1. The DMV
    2. The CHP
    3. Your insurance visitor.
  76. When planning to pass some other vehicle you lot should:
    1. Not assume that they will make infinite for you lot to return to your lane.
    2. Assume that they will let you pass if you use your plow point.
    3. Assume they will maintain a constant speed.
  77. You are at a red traffic point. The traffic lite turns dark-green, but in that location are still other vehicles in the intersection. Yous should:
    1. Wait until the vehicles clear the intersection earlier entering.
    2. Move ahead only if you can go around the other vehicles safely.
    3. Enter the intersection and wait for traffic to clear.
  78. If a commuter is going to pull out in front of yous, the safest thing to do is:
    1. Honk your horn and maintain your speed.
    2. Irksome or stop your car and use your horn.
    3. Utilize your horn and swerve into the side by side lane.
  79. If y'all are unable to see the route ahead while driving because of heavy rain or fog, and y'all wipers practise not help, you should:
    1. Slow downward and continue driving.
    2. Turn on your high beams and continue driving.
    3. Pull off of the road completely until visibility improves.
  80. When you lot meet this red sign, you should stop and:
    1. Check for vehicles in the direction you programme on going, and so go on.
    2. Let all vehicles that arrive before or after you get first.
    3. Check traffic in all directions before proceeding.
  81. Who has the right-of-way at an intersection with no crosswalks:
    1. Pedestrians e'er accept the right-of-fashion.
    2. Vehicles, just they should slow down and exist careful.
    3. Pedestrians, but only with a green "walk" signal.
  82. This yellow sign means:
    1. The traffic signal ahead is non working.
    2. Exist prepared to stop if the light is flashing.
    3. In that location is a traffic bespeak ahead.
  83. Instructions from a schoolhouse crossing guard must be obeyed:
    1. At all times
    2. During schoolhouse hours only.
    3. Only when children are present in forepart of a school.
  84. When should you use your headlights?
    1. One hr earlier dusk until one 60 minutes after sunrise.
    2. Anytime you tin can't come across at least two miles alee.
    3. Someday you accept trouble seeing others or beingness seen.
  85. Solid yellow lines separate:
    1. Traffic lanes on 1-style streets.
    2. Wheel lanes from regular traffic.
    3. Vehicles going in opposite directions.
  86. When a traffic light turns green, should you go immediately?
    1. Yes, only yield to whatsoever person or vehicle still in the intersection.
    2. Yes, or you lot could be given a ticket for causing gridlock.
    3. No, considering you must first wait 5 seconds before proceeding.
  87. The speed limit for a school zone is_____. Unless posted otherwise.
    1. 15 mph
    2. 25 mph
    3. twenty mph
  88. When you are driving in the far right lane on a freeway, you:
    1. Should await merging vehicles at on-ramps.
    2. Must be driving slower than other traffic.
    3. Must requite the correct-of-way to merging traffic.
  89. When driving virtually road structure zones, yous should:
    1. Tedious downward and lookout man the construction as you pass.
    2. Step on your brakes but earlier you pass the construction.
    3. Reduce speed and be prepared to stop.
  90. This red and white sign means:
    1. The route ahead is airtight to traffic in your management.
    2. Do non enter the road unless it is safety to do and so.
    3. The route ahead is closed to traffic in all directions.
  91. You are crossing an intersection and an emergency vehicle is approaching with a siren and flashing lights. Y'all should:
    1. Finish immediately in the intersection until information technology passes.
    2. Pull to the right in the intersection and stop.
    3. Continue through the intersection, pull to the right and stop.
  92. When parking your vehicle on any hill:
    1. One of your rear wheels should touch on the curb.
    2. Utilize your parking brake and leave your vehicle in gear or "park"
    3. Your front end wheels should be parallel to the road if there is no curb.
  93. If yous are driving 55mph on a two-lane highway, one lane in each direction,and want to laissez passer the car alee of yous. To laissez passer safely, you need to:
    1. Wait until solid double yellowish lines split the lanes.
    2. Increase your speed to 65mph.
    3. Have at least a ten to 12 second gap in the oncoming traffic.
  94. Y'all must notify law enforcement and make a report of traffic accident occurring in California (SR1) to DMV when:
    1. Yous intend to file a certificate of not-operation for your vehicle.
    2. Your vehicle is towed for parking illegally.
    3. You have a standoff and there is an injury or death.
  95. When you change lanes, or merge with another lane, you:
    1. Have the right of mode
    2. Should offset stop and cheque for cross traffic.
    3. Need at least a four second gap in traffic.
  96. You should not start across an intersection if you know you lot will block the intersection when the lite turns red:
    1. Under whatsoever circumstances.
    2. Unless you entered the intersection on a xanthous light.
    3. Unless y'all entered the intersection on a green calorie-free.
  97. Which of these is a legal U-turn?
    1. On a highway where at that place is an opening for a turn.
    2. 150 feet from a hill or curve.
    3. Over ii sets of double yellow lines in the roadway.
  98. You should adjust your rearview mirror and side mirrors:
    1. Earlier you get into the motorcar.
    2. Before you start driving.
    3. After you commencement driving.
  99. Y'all tin be fined up to $one,000 and jailed for six months if you are cited for:
    1. Dumping or abandoning an animal on a highway.
    2. Making a U-turn from a center left-plow lane.
    3. Parking in a bicycle lane.
  100. This red and white sign means:
    1. You may not enter the road from your management.
    2. Stop and proceed with caution.
    3. The road ahead is closed to traffic in all directions.
  101. A law enforcement officer notices that ane of your passengers is not wearing a seat chugalug and writes a citation. Which of the post-obit is true?
    1. Both you and your passenger receive a citation.
    2. Your rider will receive a citation regardless of age.
    3. You may receive a commendation if your passenger is younger than 16.
  102. To turn right from a highway with two lanes in your management, turn from:
    1. The lane closest to the center of the road.
    2. The lane nearest the curb or border of the roadway.
    3. Either lane, depending on oncoming traffic.
  103. If there is a single set of solid yellow lines in the eye of the roadway, you:
    1. May cantankerous the lines to turn left into a driveway.
    2. Are on a two-lane one-way street.
    3. Should not cantankerous for any reason.
  104. Mostly speaking, you are in a big truck'south blind spot if you:
    1. Drive close to the big truck's left forepart bicycle.
    2. Cannot see the truck driver in the truck'southward side mirrors.
    3. Follow no closer than 10 feet backside the big truck.
  105. When a schoolhouse bus with its red lights flashing is stopped ahead on your side of the route, you must:
    1. Stop until y'all think that the children are unloaded.
    2. Stop until the lights end flashing.
    3. Change lanes, drive slowly, and pass carefully.
  106. If yous want to laissez passer a bicyclist in a narrow traffic lane when an oncoming car is approaching:
    1. Honk your horn, then pass the bicyclist.
    2. Irksome downwardly and let the car pass, then laissez passer the bicyclist.
    3. Wait until the bicyclist rides off of the roadway.
  107. Before getting out of your auto on the traffic side of the street, you should:
    1. Give an arm betoken that y'all are exiting your vehicle.
    2. Plow on your left plough point.
    3. Cheque traffic budgeted from behind.
  108. You should use your horn when:
    1. Another vehicle is in your way.
    2. It may assist prevent a collision.
    3. Another driver makes a mistake.
  109. You are being chased by a police vehicle with its lights and sirens activated. You ignore the warning to cease and speed away. During the chase a person is seriously injured. Y'all are subject to:
    1. Imprisonment and /or fine of at least $two,000.
    2. A fine of not less than $1,000.
    3. Attending an acrimony-management class.
  110. A person betwixt 13 and 18 years of age may have his/her driving privilege _____ for one yr if convicted equally a habitual truant.
    1. Extended
    2. Cancelled
    3. Suspended
  111. Animals may be transported in the back of a pickup only if:
    1. The sides of the truck bed are at least eighteen inches high.
    2. They are properly secured.
    3. The tailgate of the truck is closed.
  112. Yous are on a ii-way road and the vehicle ahead of you is turning left into a driveway. You may legally pass the vehicle on the right:
    1. If there is enough route between the vehicle and the curb to do and then.
    2. Even if you must bulldoze on the shoulder to do so.
    3. Even if you must cross a solid white line painted on the road.
  113. A red arrow pointing to the right on a traffic light means you may:
    1. Turn in that direction after slowing and checking traffic.
    2. Non plow in that direction until the light turns green.
    3. Plow in that direction after you have come to a complete stop.
  114. Y'all see a machine approaching from the rear. When you lot bank check your mirror again to change lanes, you no longer see the motorcar. You should:
    1. Look over your shoulder to exist sure the car is not in your blind spot.
    2. Turn on your signal and change lanes slowly.
    3. Point, honk your horn, and change lanes rapidly.
  115. At night, if an oncoming vehicle fails to dim its loftier beams, look:
    1. Toward the center of the roadway
    2. Toward the right edge of your lane.
    3. Direct ahead in your lane.
  116. If the roadway is wet and your motorcar starts to skid, you should:
    1. Slowly ease your foot off of the gas pedal.
    2. Deadening downwardly by shifting into a lower gear.
    3. Slow downwards by pumping the brakes speedily and firmly.
  117. You are driving on a route where the speed limit is 45mph. All the other vehicles are driving 50mph or faster. You may legally bulldoze:
    1. 50mph or faster, the speed of traffic.
    2. Anywhere between 45mph and 50mph.
    3. No faster than 45mph.
  118. If you drive slower than the catamenia of traffic, you will most likely:
    1. Interfere with traffic and receive a ticket.
    2. Improve traffic catamenia.
    3. Demonstrate defensive driving techniques.
  119. An orange and cherry sign of this shape ever means:
    1. This vehicle has the right-of-mode.
    2. Slow-moving vehicle.
    3. Emergency vehicle ahead.
  120. When a traffic signal is not working at an intersection, you lot should:
    1. Come up to a complete stop. And and so keep when it is rubber.
    2. Cease before inbound and permit all other traffic become first.
    3. Slow down, or stop if necessary.
  121. The California Driver Handbook recommends several tips to assist you keep alert on long drives. One of these tips is:
    1. Pull off the road and rest.
    2. Turn on your air conditioner.
    3. Alternately bulldoze close to the left and right sides of your lane.
  122. A flashing red traffic light at an intersection means:
    1. Slow downwardly before inbound.
    2. Stop before entering.
    3. Finish and look for a green light.
  123. Which of the following blocks the smooth flow of traffic:
    1. Slowing down to look at a standoff scene.
    2. Fugitive unnecessary lane changes.
    3. Using public transportation instead of your car.
  124. It is legal for a person nether 21 years of age to bulldoze with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) that is _______ or more than.
    1. 0.08% - Eight hundredths of one percent
    2. 0.01% - One hundredth of one percent
    3. 0.05% - Five hundredths of ane percent
  125. Smoking inside a vehicle when a person that is younger than xviii years of age is present is:
    1. Legal, if information technology is your child.
    2. Illegal at all times.
    3. Not restricted by law.
  126. When you enter traffic from a full terminate (e.g. pulling away from the curb), y'all:
    1. Should bulldoze slower than other traffic for 200 anxiety.
    2. Need a large plenty gap to get up to the speed of traffic.
    3. Should wait for the showtime vehicle to pass, then pull into the lane.
  127. To turn left from a one-way street onto a one-way street, start from:
    1. The far left lane.
    2. The centre lane.
    3. Whatsoever lane as long as it seems safe to do so.
  128. Which of these is recommended when driving at night on a dimly lit street:
    1. Drive slowly enough to cease within the area lighted by your headlights.
    2. Briefly look at oncoming headlights so you won't be blinded.
    3. Keep instrument lights bright to be more visible by other drivers.
  129. This yellowish sign ways:
    1. Narrow pedestrian bridge ahead.
    2. Pedestrians must yield the right-of-mode ahead.
    3. There is a pedestrian crosswalk ahead.
  130. If you have a light-green calorie-free, but traffic is blocking the intersection:
    1. Stay out of the intersection until traffic clears.
    2. Enter the intersection and await until traffic clears.
    3. Merge into another lane and try to get around the traffic.
  131. Parking is NEVER permitted:
    1. In a crosshatched (diagonal) pattern space.
    2. Twenty feet from a railroad track.
    3. In a wheel lane, unless otherwise posted.
  132. You are driving in the far right lane of a four-lane motorway and notice thick broken white lines on the left side of your lane. You are driving in:
    1. The carpool lane and must merge into the next lane.
    2. A special lane for slow moving vehicles.
    3. An get out lane.
  133. The "Three-2nd rule" applies to the infinite _____ of your vehicle.
    1. In back.
    2. Ahead.
    3. To the sides.
  134. Yous may drive in a bike lane:
    1. If you drive slower than 15mph.
    2. No more than 200 anxiety before making a correct plow.
    3. Whenever bicyclists are not present.
  135. Yous should allow more space in front of your vehicle when following a large truck because:
    1. Y'all need the actress room to come across around the truck.
    2. Their heavier weight allows them to stop more than quickly than you.
    3. If you follow too closely, you volition get caught in the truck'due south wind draft.
  136. You are going to brand a left turn in a defended left-turn lane when a yellow pointer appears for your lane, you should:
    1. Speed up and get through the intersection.
    2. Stop and not plow under any circumstances.
    3. Exist prepared to obey the next signal that appears.
  137. After passing a car, information technology is safe to render to your driving lane when:
    1. The commuter you merely passed signals you to render to your lane.
    2. Yous signal your intention to render to your lane for four seconds.
    3. You come across the headlights of the passed motorcar in your rearview mirror.
  138. You must employ your seatbelt:
    1. Unless y'all are riding in a vehicle built before 1978.
    2. Unless you are riding in a limousine.
    3. And failure to practise so may event in a traffic ticket.
  139. There are five vehicles post-obit closely behind you on a road with ane lane in your management. When yous see this white sign, you should:
    1. Drive to the right border of your lane but proceed moving.
    2. Dull downwards and signal the other drivers to pass you.
    3. Drive to the side of the road and stop in the designated expanse.
  140. You are getting ready to make a right plow. You should:
    1. E'er terminate before making a right plough.
    2. Signal during the concluding 100 feet before your turn.
    3. Wearisome down and bespeak equally you lot get-go your turn.
  141. Earlier driving into an intersection from a stop, you should wait:
    1. Left and right merely.
    2. Directly ahead and to the left.
    3. Left, right, and left again.
  142. Backing your vehicle is:
    1. Ever unsafe to practise.
    2. Dangerous if yous take a helper.
    3. Only unsafe in large vehicles.
  143. You may cantankerous double yellow lines to pass another vehicle if:
    1. Vehicle in front of you moves to the right to permit yous pass.
    2. Xanthous line next to your side of the road is broken.
    3. Yellowish line adjacent to the other side of the route is broken.
  144. Highways are typically most slippery:
    1. During a heavy rainstorm in the eye of summer.
    2. When it starting time starts to rain after a dry spell.
    3. After it has been raining a long time.
  145. This yellow sign means:
    1. Less space between lanes ahead.
    2. The highway will exist divided ahead.
    3. The correct lane volition end ahead.
  146. Big trucks turning correct onto a street with two lanes in each direction:
    1. May consummate their plow in either the left or right lane.
    2. Often have to utilize function of the left lane to complete their turn.
    3. Must stay in the right lane at all times.
  147. You are driving on a i-manner street. You may turn left onto another one-way street:
    1. Simply if a sign permits the turn.
    2. If the traffic on the street is moving to the correct.
    3. If traffic on the street is moving to the left.
  148. U-turns in residential districts are legal:
    1. On a one-way street at a green arrow.
    2. When there are no vehicles approaching nearby.
    3. Across two sets of double yellow lines.
  149. You lot are approaching an uncontrolled intersection. You:
    1. Must always stop before driving through the intersection.
    2. Must yield the right-of-way to all other vehicles.
    3. Should dull down and be ready to stop.
  150. Ii vehicles are approaching an uncontrolled "T" intersection. Ane vehicle is on the through road and the other is on the road that ends. Who has the right-of-way at the intersection?
    1. The vehicle on the through route.
    2. The vehicle on the correct.
    3. The vehicle that arrives outset.
  151. When you park on a level road side by side to a curb:
    1. You wheels must be inside 18 inches of the curb.
    2. Your front end wheels must be turned towards the side of the road.
    3. You do not have to set the parking brake.
  152. When traffic is ho-hum and heavy and you must cross railroad tracks before reaching the upcoming intersection, you should:
    1. Finish between the crossing gates in case they close.
    2. Finish on the tracks and expect for your lite to turn dark-green.
    3. Look until you lot can completely cantankerous the tracks before yous keep.
  153. If a pedestrian is in a crosswalk in the center of a block:
    1. The pedestrian has the right-of-mode.
    2. The pedestrian must yield the right-of-way.
    3. Vehicle have the correct-of-way, but drivers must legally take care for the pedestrian's condom.
  154. You lot may legally park your automobile:
    1. At the corner in an intersection.
    2. Across a sidewalk if you are partially in a driveway.
    3. In a bicycle lane if there is no sign forbidding it.
  155. If your driving record shows that you lot failed to appear in court after receiving a traffic ticket, DMV may:
    1. Suspend the registration of the vehicle you are driving.
    2. Suspend your driving privilege until you appear in court.
    3. Restrict your driving privilege.
  156. Your wheels should be pointed straight ahead, Unless yous are:
    1. Waiting to make a left turn at a traffic calorie-free.
    2. Parked on a loma or sloping driveway.
    3. Parked on the side of a level roadway and at that place is no adjourn.
  157. A green arrow pointing to the left on a traffic low-cal ways you lot may:
    1. Brand a protected turn in that management.
    2. Turn left or continue going directly.
    3. Turn in that management only after you cease.
  158. Which of these vehicles must stop before crossing railroad tracks?
    1. TAnk trucks marked with hazardous materials placards.
    2. Motorhomes or pickup trucks towing a trailer.
    3. Sport utility vehicles carrying four or more passengers.
  159. At intersections, crosswalks, and railroad crossings, you should always:
    1. Stop, heed, and proceed if you cannot hear anything.
    2. Expect to the sides of your vehicle.
    3. Concentrate on oncoming traffic.
  160. You are driving 45 mph in a 55 mph zone. You lot can exist cited for speeding:
    1. Merely if y'all are approaching a sharp curve in the road.
    2. Under no circumstances because it is ever legal.
    3. If it is dangerous for current weather condition conditions.
  161. You are entering the thruway, you should bank check traffic past:
    1. Looking over your shoulder.
    2. Using the within and outside mirrors simply.
    3. Checking all mirrors and turning your head.
  162. You have studied hard and are getting prepared to have a successful permit test. This sign ways:
    1. Have some ice cream.
    2. Take a Starbucks break.
    3. Have the test again.

Good luck with your written test.

How Do You Spell Hundredths,


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