
Can Cats Get Worms From Eating Flies

Nigh of us know how much cats love to catch and eat flies; nosotros've even given them the proper name 'sky raisins'. While most of united states of america find the thought of eating a wing repulsive, cats don't share our disgust. Beingness natural-born predators, cats are hardwired to hunt.

The well-nigh mutual fly in our homes is the housefly (Musca domestica), which has a global distribution. Other common flies include the filth fly (Yard. sorbens) which can be establish in warmer climates and the blowfly (Calliphoridae).

Can cats get sick eating flies?

Houseflies feed on human foodstuff and waste, including carrion. The fly'south mouthparts are designed to ingest liquid food, to digest solid foods, the fly vomits saliva and digestive juices to liquefy the food, which is so sucked up through the proboscis. Flies can selection up pathogens including bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites while crawling and feeding. 1 report plant that houseflies carry as many every bit 130 pathogens on their body and that bacteria showed antimicrobial resistance to Campylobacter and Salmonella.

Pathogens carried by flies

Leaner isolated from houseflies which can infect humans and animals:

  • Helicobacter
  • Salmonella
  • Campylobacter
  • Escherichia
  • Bacillus (including anthrax)
  • Staphylococcus
  • Listeria

Fungi isolated from houseflies which can infect humans and animals:

  • Microsporum
  • Moniliella
  • Rhizopus
  • Scopulariopsis
  • Rhodotorula

Parasites isolated from houseflies that can infect humans and cats:

  • Ascaris
  • Trichuris
  • Metastrongylus
  • Giardia
  • Cryptosporidium
  • Taenia

In addition to carrying several pathogens, houseflies may take also been exposed to insecticides, which are toxic to cats. However, the amount of exposure from ane or two houseflies would be minimal. But still, it is not ideal.

What are the risks?

It is difficult to answer that as there are no research studies that looked at the incidence of infection in cats who ate houseflies and it would be difficult to written report in a home state of affairs considering cats are exposed to pathogens in many other means, not just houseflies.

My 4 cats chase houseflies, I don't like it, but I wouldn't rush them off to the vet if they ate one. I practice my best to keep flies out of the house to foreclose the cats from eating them.

Always seek veterinary attention if your cat develops symptoms of sickness which can include loss of ambition, vomiting and/or diarrhea.

All cats, even those who are exclusively indoors, can get infected with worms which highlight the importance of a regular worming regime. Non only because of the potential risk of infection from flies but other modes of transmission such equally infective eggs brought into the house on shoes or vesture, eating cockroaches and flea manual of tapeworm.

How to stop cats eating houseflies

Cats will be cats, and most love the thrill of hunting houseflies. All we can practice as pet-owners is brand changes to discourage houseflies from entering our homes.

  • Install screens on doors and windows
  • Don't leave nutrient out
  • Remove animal feces as quickly as possible and dispose of it in the outside garbage bin
  • Don't exit food in pet bowls for longer than 25-30 minutes and one time the cat has eaten, clean the bowl to remove nutrient droppings
  • Store food carefully in containers or the refrigerator

Frequently asked questions

Can a cat get maggots eating flies?

Maggots are the larvae of adult houseflies. A cat cannot become maggots by eating flies but can get myiasis (maggot infection) if a fly lays eggs in an infected wound. Ill and immunocompromised cats are at the greatest chance.

Matted hair which is contaminated with feces and urine tin likewise attract flies that lay eggs. Eggs hatch into larvae, which is the maggot stage of the fly life-cycle and maggots tin can quickly invade surrounding tissue.

Tin can flies lay eggs on cats?

Yep, equally higher up, flies can lay eggs in infected skin wounds and fur contaminated with urine and feces.

  • Julia Wilson is the founder of Cat-Globe, and has researched and written over 1,000 articles about cats. She is a cat expert with over xx years of experience writing nigh a wide range of cat topics, with a special involvement in cat health, welfare and preventative care. Julia lives in Sydney with her family unit, four cats and 2 dogs. Full author bio

Can Cats Get Worms From Eating Flies,


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