
Israel Size Compared To Us

Reading the writings of the Old Testament prophets, one tin can begin to describe parallels betwixt Judah/Israel in the years before God's judgment upon them, and what nosotros see in our ain guild today. The United States of America was founded as a Christian nation. Our founding forefathers were gorging Christians; men of strong faith. The pledge of allegiance describes us equally 1 nation under God. There is a Christian message inscribed at the top of the Washington Monument, and our currency contains the annunciation that in God we trust. The nation of Israel also started out every bit a people dedicated to God. Simply in the years before their acquisition by the Assyrians and Babylonians, they had turned their backs on God completely. This is why God brought the conquering nations upon them, in judgment.

America is likewise turning their backs on God, as a nation. We are taking the references to God out of the pledge of allegiance, off the money, and everywhere else the new atheistic authorities policies can discover it. Billy Graham once said, "If God does not judge America, he owes an apology to Sodom and Gomorrah." (Interestingly, Sodom's swell iniquity was described in Ezekiel xvi:49-50 equally pride, gluttony, slothfulness, and selfishness – which acquired them to commit abominations before the Lord. Basically, they had information technology as well skillful and had too much time on their hands – that old cliche about idle easily.)

Idol Worshipping

Israel had turned to idol worshipping in a horrible style. They carved little images out of woods, adorned them with gold and jewels, and proclaimed them to be gods. They bowed down to their bootleg idols and sacrificed to them. They adopted the surrounding nation's idols as well – any image that anybody else said was a god, they jumped on the bandwagon and worshipped. Some of these gods were recognized as the gods of pleasure, and worship ceremonies included drunkenness and orgies. Well, if that's what the gods require, right?

If you think that sounds silly and that modern Americans would non make little images and bow downwardly to them, take another expect around. In Ezekiel fourteen:4-8 God makes mention of setting up idols in your middle. That is where they actually exist. Anything that a person holds dearer in their heart than God has go their idol. What do most Americans concur dearest in their hearts these days? The pursuit of wealth? Sexual promiscuity? Living for their own pleasure? You meet, information technology's not so different.

Kid Sacrifice

I of the practices that Israel had adopted involved human cede of their own children. Now y'all are probably thinking that you got me. Mod American culture would never tolerate such an atrocity, right? Umm…….. deplorable to say, we are doing the exact same thing. The type of child sacrifice they were doing was of newborn babies which were not wanted. They would fire them to death, in cede to the god of pleasure. They didn't have effective birth command measures dorsum and then. A culture full of sexual promiscuity (with orgies to worship the god of pleasance) results in many unwanted children. This was their class of birth-command, every bit close of a thing that they had to abortion back then.

At that place are approximately 1.two million abortions performed every year in the U.S. Phone call it what you want, but the plain fact is a fetus is a living human being; a kid in very early development. The abortion process basically sucks them from the womb with a vacuuming device and burns them to death. These abortions are the straight result of sexual promiscuity and a dedication towards serving your ain pleasure, rather than seeking the style of God in your life kickoff.

False Prophets

The major prophets wrote quite a scrap about God's disgust with the fake prophets among the Jews. These were men who claimed that God had spoken to them, when God had not, and relayed false messages to the people. Their messages were in straight opposition to the letters that God was really sending the people, through his real prophets. The false prophets liked to say that everything was fine and all would be OK. Babylon would non overthrow Jerusalem. The real prophets said that destruction was almost to come upon them, unless they did a 180 and turned dorsum to God. The people preferred the comfortable letters of the simulated prophets, rather than seek the truth.

Today in America, you can find but almost any crazy simulated religious teaching that y'all care to seek later on. There is something out there for everybody: Cults, openly homosexual pastors of churches, female pastors of churches, openly homosexual female pastors of churches, and every liberal theology imaginable. They will tell yous that – guess what – everything is going to be OK. The evangelical Christians are besides stuffy; too judgmental. There is no eternal hell – of grade not. God wouldn't practise that to anybody. You don't need Jesus, because all roads lead to God.

You won't have whatsoever problem finding people who volition tell you the Bible is not true. There is a tremendous effort underway to invalidate the Word of God. Only exercise a Google search for something similar "Bible not true" and yous will be busy for hours. A whole lot of attempt is beingness expended to convince you that the Bible is not the Word of God, and you don't need Christianity. Everything else is OK – just non Jesus. Any other religious group tin do anything or say anything in public that they desire – but Christians are shut downwardly. In a land founded upon Christianity. Think about this.

Our own society is taking on more and more than characteristics of the backslidden, rebellious Jews in the days of Jeremiah. Volition not God soon bring judgment upon our nation also, unless we apologize and plough back to Him? Give thanks God for the work of the Church building! We are trying to warn everybody, the aforementioned way Jeremiah was. But we will before long be out of hither.

Israel Size Compared To Us,


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